5 Quick & Simple Ways To Squeeze In Self-Care Everyday

Concrete Roses

Life gets really hectic at times. Some days it takes all I have to just get through the day. On days like this, the last thing I have time for is anything related to self-care (unless you include a glass of Jack Daniels on the rocks as self-care). Anyway, I know how important self-care is and I know I definitely can’t afford to skimp on it. So I have been trying to incorporate some form of self-care into my daily (or at least almost daily) routine to ensure that I’m staying healthy, grounded, and keeping myself as a priority. When most people think of self-care they usually think of a vacation to a beautiful island, going to the gym/eating healthy, or a nice spa day. But there are other ways to incorporate self-care into your routine that you may have never actually thought of. Here is a list of 5…

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