23 ways to be an eco-traveler

we did it our way

We’re all aware of it – traveling is not the most eco-friendly activity to take part in.  But hey, this planet is still too beautiful to not explore it.  However, the sad truth is that a lot of places are drowning in plastic, and are not as beautiful as they used to be.  If we keep going this way, this beautiful planet will not have unspoiled places left to offer us travelers.

In the “western” world, we have been told for years that we need to reuse, reduce and recycle.  We have started to compost in major cities, and overall, we’re fairly aware of the toxic effects of using single-use plastic, plastic in general, and the effects of consumerism.  Of course we aren’t perfect by any means, but we generally understand the consequences of our actions on the environment.  In developing countries, where such infrastructures don’t exist, and there…

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